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Seminar in Peer Writing Consultation

Welcome to Writing 300, a course designed to prepare you to serve as peer writing consultants. We have three goals this semester: 1) To introduce you to the practice of consulting about writing (you will receive consultations, observe others consulting, and do some consulting yourselves); 2) To familiarize you with theories about peer consulting in writing, and 3) To address the ULWR goal of engaging with the conventions of disciplinary writing. To this end, we will supplement our readings with a great dose of critical inquiry and self-reflection. We will practice writing in several genres of disciplinary writing: from the personal essay to the argumentative essay, to digital writing, and more. You will write essays in these different genres in order to address this central question: what does it mean to be a peer writing consultant? You will also submit several journal entries that respond to readings and to your own practice.

Course Requirements:
Grades in this course will be determined by self-assessment. You will present a selection of your work (both formal and informal), ongoing observations about your learning, and an analysis of your work development as evidence of your progress. Then, based on the class’s grade criteria, you will determine your grade for the class.

Intended Audience:
Undergraduate Students who want to serve as peer consultants in the Sweetland Peer Writing Center and have been accepted into the Peer Writing Consultant Program.

Credits: 3

Requirements & Distribution: ULWR

Consent: With permission of department.