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Writing Your Way Through the Dissertation

Friday, March 14, 2014
4:00 AM
Earl Lewis Room, 3rd Floor, Rackham Building

This workshop will consider how writers can better manage and use the routine of writing to help them finish their dissertations.

This workshop will consider how writers can better manage and use the routine of writing to help them finish their dissertations. It will offer strategies that address writing practice, work routines, and divisions of labor. It will also present approaches to writing issues that dissertators in particular encounter, including: clarifying dissertation expectations, audience and working with committees, and the expanded role of revision for dissertators. The workshop is intended for writers from all disciplines who are in the midst of writing their dissertations and in search of strategies and approaches that can help advance their writing practice. The session is co-sponsored by Rackham and the Sweetland Center for Writing. 

Pre-registration is required at

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Louis Cicciarelli