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First-Year and Upper-Level Writing Prize Award Ceremony

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
4:00 AM
North Quad Room 2435

Celebrate the 2012-2013 Writing Prize winners

Join us in celebrating the winners of the 2012-2013 First-Year and Upper-Level Writing Prizes. Sweetland and the English Department Writing Program offer prizes for student writers in LSA. Sweetland’s prizes include: the Sweetland Prize for Outstanding Writing Portfolio, the Matt Kelley Award for Excellence in First-Year Writing, and the Sweetland Prize for Excellence in Upper-Level Writing. The English Department Writing Program presents the Feinberg Family Prize for Excellence in First-Year Writing.

9:30 am Photos with Winners and faculty nominators
10:00-11:30am - Awards and Presentation
Continental Brunch provided

Click here to view the complete list of Writing Prize winners and their work.