As a non-profit, state-affiliated institution, the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology is not able to provide appraisals or authentication services for artifacts or art objects.
To find information on individuals or companies near you who perform appraisals, your best option is to contact a local art or history museum that is not funded in part by the state of Michigan.
The following organizations may be helpful:
Appraisers Association of America, Inc.
212 West 35th Street, 11th Floor South
New York, NY 10001 USA
Phone: 212-889-5404 x11
Fax: 212-889-5503
American Society of Appraisers
To locate art appraisers outside of North America, check the CINOA (Confederation Internationale des Negociants en Oeuvres D'Art) website.
Thank you.