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Colloquium Series: Humanities PhD Careers Panel

Friday, April 1, 2016
4:00 AM
3308 MLB

While graduate education in the humanities remains geared primarily toward training future generations of scholars and college professors, the role of the humanities PhD is also shifting. More students today enter graduate school with every intention of seeking post-graduation employment outside of academia. Conversely, as Anthony Grafton has pointed out, “in many organizations outside the academy, a doctorate is a vital asset for those who want to rise above the entry level.” How, and for what careers, does graduate training in the humanities prepare today’s generation of young scholars?

In the context of ongoing discussions about graduate education and the academic job market in the humanities, we will consider career paths and opportunities for humanities PhDs. Two UM PhDs (German and SAC, respectively), a current PhD candidate in History at MSU, and the Head of Arts and Humanities at the UM Library will share thoughts on graduate education, career preparation, skills and perspectives for a variety of trajectories after the PhD. 

Panelists include

Beau D. Case, Head of Arts and Humanities at UM Library

David Choberka, PhD in German Studies at UM, now Mellon Academic Coordinator at UMMA

Alex Galarza, PhD candidate in History at MSU, currently the Digital Liberal Arts Fellow for the Mellon Scholars Program at Hope College.

Kristy Rawson, PhD in Screen Arts and Cultures at UM, now Assistant Director in Graduate Career Development at the University of Chicago

Johannes von Moltke, Chair of the German Department, will moderate.

This event is co-sponsored by the Rackham Graduate School and the Department of Screen Arts and Cultures.