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Colloquium Series "The Color of Vowels: Synthesia and Physiology in Aesthetics, 1850-1900"

Friday, February 19, 2016
5:00 AM
3308 Modern Languages Building

Jutta Müller-Tamm is Professor for Germanistik at the Free University of Berlin. She studied Germanistik, Philosophie, Art History, Theater, Film, and Television at the Universities of Heidelberg and Frankfurt am Main. Her work focuses on the history of literature and of science, on aesthetics and poetics of the 19th and 20th centuries, on classical modernity and on contemporary literature. She is the author of Abstraktion als Einfühlung: Zur Denkfigur der Projektion in Psychophysiologie, Kulturtheorie, Ästhetik und Literatur der frühen Moderne (Freiburg, 2005), and Kunst als Gipfel der Wissenschaft: Ästhetische und wissenschaftliche Weltaneignung bei Carl Gustav Carus (Berlin, 1995), and editor of several  volumes on literature, aesthetics, and the history of science.

Jutta Müller-Tamm, Professor, FU Berlin