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Stefan Szymanski and Silke-Maria Weineck Reading

Saturday, November 14, 2015
5:00 AM
Literati Bookstore 124 E. Washington Street Ann Arbor

Professors Stefan Szymanski and Silke-Maria Weineck will read from their latest publications.

Stefan Szymanski is professor of economics and the MBA Dean at the Cass Business School, City University London. He is the coauthor of Fans of the World, Unite!: A (Capitalist) Manifesto for Sports Consumers, National Pastime: How Americans Play Baseball and the Rest of the World Plays Soccer and Winners and Losers: The Business Strategy of Football.

Silke-Maria Weineck is Chair of Comparative Literature and Professor of German Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Michigan, USA. She is the author of The Abyss Above: Philosophy and Poetic Madness in Plato, and Holderlin, and Nietzsche, and most recently The Tragedy of Fatherhood: King Laius and the Politics of Paternity in the West.