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Arm wie eine Kirchenmaus (1931)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
4:00 AM
Angell Auditorium A

GERMAN FILM INSTITUTE <br>The Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936

Directed by Richard Oswald. Written by Heinz Goldberg. With Grete Mosheim, Anton Edthofer and Hans Thimig.

Having returned from a trip to America, Baron Ullrich, the director of a large Viennese bank, wants to teach his employees how to do business the American way and at an American pace. He hires Susi, a stenographer, whose enthusiasm —and ability to keep female suitors away from the boss — soon creates chaos at the bank. And things only get worse as Susi begins to fall in love with the Baron. The film is adapted from Ladislas Fodor’s 1927 play, A templom egére which was adapted by Hollywood in 1932 as Beauty and the Boss.
35mm, 92 min.
German Film Institute pages