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<i>Hunger in Waldenburg</i> (1929)

Monday, May 21, 2012
4:00 AM
Angell Auditorium A

GERMAN FILM INSTITUTE <br>The Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936

Directed by Phil Jutzi. Written by Léo Lania. With Holmes Zimmermann and Sybille Schloss.

Ums tägliche Brot is a semi-documentary detailing living conditions among the starving miners of lower Silesia. The film was financed by the Popular Association for Film Art (1928), a leftist coalition dedicated to “people’s cinema.” Using nonprofessional actors, the film’s montage intertwined documentary scenes with the fictional story of a young unemployed miner. Although Léo Lania’s script suffered major censorship cuts, it still exposed capitalist exploitation in its most brutal forms.
DVD [fragmented], 32 min.
German Film Institute pages