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<i>Ein Mensch ohne Namen</i> (1932)

Thursday, May 24, 2012
4:00 AM
Angell Auditorium A

GERMAN FILM INSTITUTE <br>The Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936

Directed by Gustav Ucicky. Written by Robert Liebmann. With Werner Krauss, Helene Thimig, Mary Bard and Mathias Wieman.

When Heinrich Martin, a German Lieutenant supposed to have fallen on the Russian front in 1916, recovers from the amnesia that has held him in its grip and returns to his Fatherland, he learns that he has been declared officially dead in 1921 and that Eva-Marie, his wife, is married to Dr. Sander, his one-time friend and now owner of Martin’s automobile factory. The rest of the film details just how Martin runs up against the solid wall of official bureaucracy in his vain effort to establish his identity. In his hour of need the desperate “Man Without a Name” finds sympathy and aid in the persons of Grete Schulze, a happy-go-lucky Berlin stenographer, temporarily out of a job, and Julius Hanke, a small-scale entrepreneur.
35mm, 87 min.
German Film Institute pages