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<i>Ein blonder Traum</i> (1932)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
4:00 AM
Angell Auditorium A

GERMAN FILM INSTITUTE <br>The Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936

Directed by Paul Martin. Written by Walter Reisch and Billy Wilder. With Lilian Harvey, Willy Fritsch and Willi Forst.

An optimistic musical comedy filmed on the streets of Berlin, Ein blonder Traum tells the story of the two Willies, friends and window cleaners, who both become enamored with the beautiful traveling circus performer/wannabe Hollywood starlet, Jou-Jou. When Jou-Jou gets conned by an alleged Hollywood mogul, the Willies resolve to help her only to end up entangled in a comical love triangle. This film marks Paul Martin’s solo directorial debut and features a script co-written by Billy Wilder who would flee Germany in 1933 before becoming a major Hollywood director in the 1940s. One of UFA’s biggest box-office successes, the film could be seen by the unemployed for the reduced admission price of 30 pfennig.
35mm, 92 min.
German Film Institute pages