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<I>April, April!</i> (1935)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
4:00 AM
2435 North Quad

GERMAN FILM INSTITUTE <br>The Cinema of Crisis: German Film 1928-1936

Directed by Douglas Sirk. Written by H.W. Litschke and Rudo Ritter. With Erhard Siedel, Lina Carstens and Charlott Daudert.

Success has gone to the head of the rich noodle manufacturer, Julius Lampe. Lampe’s friend Finke is annoyed by Julius’ haughty attitude for a long time now and wants to teach him a lesson by announcing the arrival of a prince who plans to take Lampe’s pasta products on an expedition to Africa. But Finke’s nerves can’t stand the strain and he admits having played an April Fool’s joke on Lampe. To save the manufacturer’s reputation, the business traveler, Muller, is convinced to play the part of the alleged prince. But when a real prince shows up, he is thought to be the acting business traveler and is treated like scum. This is Douglas Sirk’s first feature film.
DVD, 82 min.
German Film Institute pages