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Women Visualizing Africa Film Series: Double Feature

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
4:00 AM
Space 2435, North Quad

Free and Open to the Public <br> A Q&amp;A with the filmmakers will follow each film.

Double Feature
Documentary: La femme invisible (The Invisible Woman) (Franco-Cameroonian, 2009)
Film: Calypso at Dirty Jim’s (Franco-Cameroonian, 2010)

Both films were directed by Pascale Obolo.

La femme invisible is a six-minute poetic tale about how African women are invisible in the city of Paris.

Calypso is the soul of Trinidad. For the past three centuries, Calypso storytellers have been the “Chantwell” of the Creole world. While improvising and resisting any kind of censorship, the calypsonians tell stories of slavery, freedom, war and everyday life through their poetry. Calypso emphasizes love, along with a high dose of humor and sex. With captivating melodies and timeless hits, their rhythms free the bodies of the audience who sing with them the joy and drama of the journey of these Caribbean nations. Calypso at Dirty Jim’sls the story of with a gathering of this generation of artists in the heart of the Calypso City and on stage at the infamous ‘Dirty Jim’s Swizzle Club’ in Trinidad.

French w/ English subtitles.