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Europe on the Cheap

Friday, April 6, 2012
4:00 AM
International Center, Room 9

A for-students/by-students presentation on traveling through Europe on a student budget

Come hear from International Center Peer advisors and an expert travel agent from STA Travel as they pass along valuable information on traveling through Europe safely and on a student budget. STA Travel will also be raffling off a $100 travel voucher at the conclusion of the session – must be present to win!

Topics to be covered include:
• Important information to know before you go, such as passports, visas, student ID cards, insurance, travel advisories, and what embassies can and cannot do for you abroad. • Cheapest and best airfares and railpasses • Travel budget and how to save money overseas. • Transportation, accommodations, food. • Last-minute options for working and volunteering abroad. • Adjusting to life overseas, such a language barriers, women traveling alone, general safety and avoiding theft and other potential dangers abroad.