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2012 ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship

Saturday, March 31, 2012
4:00 AM

[Application Deadline]

ThinkSwiss offers 15 scholarships for a research stay in Switzerland. This scholarship program supports highly motivated and qualified U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to do research at a public Swiss university or research institute for 2 to 3 months. The scholarship is open to students of all fields.
To apply for a ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship, you must:
* Be currently enrolled at an accredited U.S. university/college
* Be a graduate student or an undergraduate student who will have completed your sophomore year by the time the research stay in Switzerland begins
* Provide a written confirmation from a professor at a Swiss university that he/she will accept you for a research stay in his/her group.
This program does not provide health, accident or liability insurance.
Applicants must make sure that they have insurance coverage applicable for their stay in Switzerland.