Hip hip hooray! Awards aplenty for EEB grads
This Common Monkey Lizard (Polychrus marmoratus) from Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil is “very excited” to present the following wonderful graduate student news, as you can plainly see. Image credit: Anat Belasen.
In addition to scores of graduate student awards announced throughout the 2015 – 2016 academic year, there are dozens more. Awards previously announced in EEB graduate web news* are not included in this list.
EEB First Paper Award: Camden Gowler
EEB Helen Olson Brower Memorial Fellowship in Environmental Studies: Thomas Jenkinson
EEB Outstanding Paper of the Year Award: Chuan Li
Emma J. Cole Fellowship in Plant Biology: Gordon Fitch
Edwin S. George Reserve Grant: Joanna Larson
Lewis and Elaine Wehmeyer Fund in Fungal Taxonomy: Buck Castillo, Chau Ho, Jillian Myers, Robert Powers
Peter Olaus Okkelberg Award: Anat Belasen, Susanna Campbell, Corbin Kuntze, Jonathan Massey, Lisa Walsh
U- M Museum of Zoology Charles F. Walker Scholarship: Iris Holmes
UMMZ Edwin C. Hinsdale Scholarship: Cindy Bick, Joanna Larson, Beatriz Otero Jimenez, Andrew Wood
UMMZ Edward C. Walker Award: Marcella Nidiffer
UMMZ Ichthyology Award: Andrew Wood
University of Michigan awards
Winnifred B. Chase Fellowship, U-M Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum: Amanda Meier, Christian Cely Ortiz, Alex Taylor
Genetics Training Grant: Jonathan Massey
Grants-in-Aid of Research, Sigma Xi: Michelle Fearon
Integrated Training in Microbial Systems Fellowship: Byron Smith
Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering Fellowship: Pascal Title
Phi Kappa Phi Project Grant: Michelle Fearon, Lisa Walsh
Rackham Barr-Bigelow Award: Chuan Li, Amanda Meier, Jacqueline Popma
Rackham International Research Award: Anat Belasen, Iris Holmes, Andrew Wood
Rackham International Travel Grant: Jordan Bemmels, Cindy Bick, Katherine Crocker, John Guittar, Iris Holmes, Robert Powers, Jeff Shi, Mengyi Sun, Pascal Title
Rackham Margaret Ayers Host Award: Marian Schmidt
Rackham Merit Fellowship: Peter Cerda, Zachary Hajian-Forooshani, Nicholas Medina, Susanna Campbell (Scholar Activist Award), Kristel Sanchez (The Helping Hand Award)
U-M Biological Station Marian P. and David M. Gates Graduate Student Research Fellowship: Buck Castillo, Shawn Colborn, Corbin Kuntze
UMBS Ann Arbor Branch of the Woman's National Farm and Garden Foundation Graduate Student Research Fellowship: Jacqueline Popma
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program funding: Christian Cely Ortiz, Michelle Fearon
External awards
Anat Belasen, Gentry Award for best student oral presentation at the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Conference
Katherine Crocker, American Museum of Natural History Roosevelt Research Grant
Michelle Fearon, Honey Bee Health Improvement Project Grant, North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
Joanna Larson, Society for the Study of Evolution Research Award
Alex Taylor, I’m a Scientist Award
Pascal Title, 2015 Honorable Mention, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Seibert Award in Systematics/Evolution for best oral presentation, SSAR conference
Andrew Wood, Lerner-Gray Grant for Marine Research
Senay Yitbarek, NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship
*If your award is not included on this list and was not previously announced in EEB web news, please email Gail Kuhnlein to share your good news.
Compiled by Cindy Carl and Gail Kuhnlein.