EEB shout out to GREEBs!
Front L to R: Amy-Charlotte Devitz and her dog, Fish, Rachel Wadleigh, Teresa Pegan, Katherine McLean, Bridget Shayka, Kristel Sánchez, Giorgia Auteri, Khadijah Payne. Back L to R: Chatura Vaidya, Tom Morgan, Meagan Simons. Images this page: Dale Austin
Each year, we like to acknowledge the dedicated graduate students who volunteer with the Graduate Researchers in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (GREEBs). These students help make the department run more smoothly in numerous ways. GREEBs is the student organization in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology that supports students, communicates about issues, and organizes and plans activities.
“We are committed to making the department the best it can be through fostering an inclusive environment, developing and implementing new initiatives, and providing a voice for grad students,” said EEB graduate student Giorgia Auteri, GREEBs president.
“We have a lot of strong leaders in GREEBs this year and we're looking forward to continuing to be a source of positive changes and inputs.”
The 2019 – 2020 committees are represented by the following students:
Admissions committee: Adrian Melo Carrillo and Katie McLean
Big Sibs/Little Sibs: Bridget Shayka
Community organizers: Tamara Milton and Susanna Campbell
Diversity committee: Chatura Vaidya and Kristel Sanchez
ECSS planning: Sonal Gupta
Executive committee: Teresa Pegan
Graduate affairs committee: Meagan Simons
GREEBs president: Giorgia Auteri
Retreat committee: Tom Morgan and Rachel Wadleigh
Seminar committee: John David Curlis and Molly Hirst
Social committee: Khadijah Payne
Space and facilities committee: Charlotte Devitz
Tuesday lunch: Jinny Yang and Rex Jiang
Undergraduate affairs committee: Sasha Bishop
“Serving on GREEBs is an honor and opportunity for personal growth, but most importantly a chance to make a positive contribution,” Auteri said. “Every graduate student is encouraged to run for GREEBs at some point during their time here. We hold a call for nominations and elections each spring.
“We're only a quarter of the way through the year, and already members of GREEBS have helped with organizing the annual departmental retreat, running Tuesday and Thursday seminars, fostered interactions through the Big-Little sibs program and BioBev, and setting up a DEI book discussion, among other things.”
GREEBs committees, descriptions and contacts
Not pictured: Sasha Bishop, Susanna Campbell, John David Curlis, Sonal Gupta, Molly Hirst (stoically fulfilling her GREEBS Thursday speaker lunch responsibilities at the time of the photo), Rex Jiang, Adrian Melo Carillo, Tamara Milton, Jinny Yang.
Compiled by Gail Kuhnlein