A celebration of EEB faculty and research scientist awards and promotions
2018 promotions: Meghan Duffy, Taehwan Lee, Daniel Rabosky, Luke Nave and Stephen Smith. (Image credits: Duffy, U-M Academic Innovation; Nave, Roger Hart, Michigan Photography; Lee, Rabosky and Smith, Dale Austin)
2018 promotions
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is delighted to announce the following promotions effective September 1, 2018: Luke Nave and Taehwan Lee will be promoted from assistant research scientist to associate research scientist, Dan Rabosky and Stephen Smith from assistant professor to associate professor and Meghan Duffy from associate professor to professor.
The promotions are a result of their impressive accomplishments in scholarship, teaching and service.
2018 John Dewey Award
Every year, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts’ executive committee selects newly-promoted faculty with outstanding teaching records for special recognition. Meghan Duffy has received the 2018 John Dewey Award, given to newly promoted full professors who have extraordinary undergraduate teaching records. Duffy’s colleagues on the LSA Executive Committee selected her to receive the award for her ongoing commitment to the education of undergraduate students within the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and beyond. Committee members were especially impressed by Duffy’s embrace of Introductory Biology and her comprehensive commitment to enhancing instruction and improving learning outcomes for all students. They expressed admiration for the thoughtful quality of her teaching statement, well designed courses, and the stellar evaluations she has received. The committee was especially enthusiastic about Duffy’s educational outreach with Wolverine Pathways, the Dynamic Ecology blog and her transformational efforts with EEB Mentor Match and DiversifyEEB.
Professors Catherine Badgley (2017) and Trisha Wittkopp (2015) are previous Dewey awardees in EEB.
2019 Henry Russel Award
Duffy is being honored further with a 2019 Henry Russel Award. In 1925, supported by funds from a bequest from Henry Russel, the Regents established this award. Considered U-M’s highest honor for faculty at the early to mid-career stages of their career, the award is conferred annually to faculty members who have demonstrated an extraordinary record of accomplishment in scholarly research and/or creativity, as well as an excellent record of contributions as a teacher.
Other members of EEB’s faculty who have won a Russel are Professors Dan Rabosky (2018), Trisha Wittkopp (2010), Lisa Curran (2001, now at Stanford University) and John Lehman (1982).
2018 Individual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education
Cindee Giffen, who teaches Bio 173 sections in the Comprehensive Studies Program, received a 2018 Individual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. Giffen is currently teaching an Authentic Research Connection version of Bio 173 at the U-M Biological Station.
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education for the College of Literature, Science and the Arts Angela Dillard wrote, “It is clear that you possess great pedagogical and communication skills, as well as an ability to instill confidence in students. Your teaching makes the classroom engaging for students with a wide range of learning styles, you have actively focused on reducing stereotype threat, and your collaboration with the Biological Station has created interesting new learning opportunities for students. You create and maintain a positive, caring, student-centered atmosphere in your classes, and are also committed to service to the college and university, including sharing best practices around teaching."
Compiled by Gail Kuhnlein