New two-way shuttle runs between RMC and Ruthven
Research Museums Center
A new two-way shuttle service began Jan. 3, 2018 running between the Ruthven Museums Building and the Research Museums Center on Varsity Dr., Ann Arbor, announced the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Facilities and Operations.
University of Michigan students, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, staff and visiting researchers are encouraged to take advantage of the shuttle to keep the service available.
Michigan Green Cab will run on a loop Monday - Friday from Central Campus to RMC. To use the service, simply show up at the pick-up location at the time listed.
The shuttle starts at Ruthven, picking up in the parking lot off Geddes at the east end of the building, drives directly to RMC, and then immediately returns to Ruthven.
Transportation is provided in a seven-passenger minivan. If more than seven riders are using the service at the same time, Green Cab will immediately send a second shuttle for that loop. If riders know they'll have more than seven passengers, they can call ahead to Michigan Green Cab at 1-877-476-8294 to make arrangements.
If you miss the last loop of the day or circumstances require you to stay later than anticipated, the on-demand cab service (Green Cab) via the LSA account would still be available from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Further information regarding transportation to and from classes at RMC and riders from the Campus Safety and Security Building on Kipke Dr. to RMC is on the LSA Facilities website.
Based on usage, the schedule is subject to change, so save this link (U-M log in is required), which will be updated as needed. The link is also on the EEB, Herbarium and Museum of Zoology website home pages.