EEB First Paper Award celebrates publication landmark
Chatura Vaidya, Gordon Fitch and Beatriz Otero-Jiménez. Image: Dale Austin.
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is proud to present the EEB First Paper Award to graduate students Gordon Fitch, Beatriz Otero-Jiménez and Chatura Vaidya in recognition of their first lead- or sole-authored publications.
Fitch, G.M. Urbanization-mediated context dependence in the effect of floral neighborhood on pollinator visitation Oecologia (2017).
Otero-Jiménez, B., Vandermeer, J.H. & Tucker, P.K. Effect of coffee agriculture management on the population structure of a forest dwelling rodent (Heteromys desmarestianus goldmani) Conserv Genet (2017).
Vaidya, C., Cruz, M., Kuesel, R., Gonthier, D.J., Iverson, A., Ennis, K.K. and Perfecto, I., 2017. Local and Landscape Constraints on Coffee Leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) Diversity Journal of Insect Science, 17(2).
The students were presented with a certificate signed by Professor Patricia Wittkopp, associate chair for graduate studies, and Professor Diarmaid Ó Foighil, EEB chair. They also receive $30 gift cards to a local bookstore. Professor John Vandermeer advises all three students and Otero-Jiménez is co-advised by Professor Priscilla Tucker.