EEB First Paper Awards recognize publication milestone
Jordan Bemmels and Trevor Hewitt. Image credit: Dale Austin.
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is delighted to present the EEB First Paper Award to recognize the following graduate students for their first lead-authored publication: Jordan Bemmels and Trevor Hewitt.
Jordan Bemmels: Bemmels, J. B., Title, P. O., Ortego, J. and Knowles, L. L. (2016), Tests of species-specific models reveal the importance of drought in postglacial range shifts of a Mediterranean-climate tree: insights from iDDC modelling and ABC model selection. Mol Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/mec.13804
Trevor Hewitt: Hewitt, T.L., Bergner, J.L., Woolnough, D.A., Zanetta, D.T. (2016), Phylogeography of the freshwater mussel species Lasmigona costata: testing post-glacial colonization hypotheses. Hydrobiologia doi:10.1007/s10750-016-2834-3
Students were presented with a certificate signed by Professor Patricia Wittkopp, associate chair for graduate studies, and Professor Diarmaid Ó Foighil, EEB chair. They also receive a $30 gift card to a local book store.