EEB First Paper Award recognizes publication milestone
EEB First Paper Award recognizes publication milestone.
The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is delighted to present the EEB First Paper Award to recognize the following graduate students for their first lead-authored publication:
Marian Schmidt: Schmidt, M. L., J.D. White and V. J. Denef. 2015. Phylogenetic conservation of freshwater lake habitat preference varies between abundant bacterioplankton phyla. Environmental Microbiology 10.1111/1462-2920.13143.
Pascal Title: Title, P.O. and K.J. Burns. 2015. Rates of climatic niche evolution are correlated with species richness in a large and ecologically diverse radiation of songbirds. Ecology Letters 10.1111/ele.12422
Students were presented with a certificate signed by Professor Patricia Wittkopp, associate chair for graduate studies, and Professor Diarmaid Ó Foighil, EEB chair. They also receive a $30 gift card to Barnes & Noble.