Duffy’s “Dynamic Ecology” blog among most influential
Brown, Paige (2014): MySciBlog Survey - Top Read SciBlogs by SciBloggers. figshare. http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1278974
“From the Lab Bench, a blog about all things science,” in association with nature.com, recently conducted a survey to identify the most influential science blogs and bloggers. The results are based on a survey with 600 respondents, where Paige Brown Jarreau, author of “From the Lab Bench,” asked science bloggers to list the top three blogs they read.
The rankings are:
1. Ed Yong’s “Not Exactly Rocket Science”
2. Phil Plait’s “Bad Astronomy”
3. Carl Zimmer’s “The Loom”
4. Meg Duffy, Jeremy Fox, and Brian McGill’s “Dynamic Ecology.” Duffy is an associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Michigan.
Duffy and her coauthors, brilliant in their own right, are in stellar company. Fox is an associate professor of population ecology at the University of Calgary. McGill is an associate professor in the School of Biology and Ecology at the University of Maine.
Yong is an award-winning British science writer. His work has appeared in Nature, the BBC, New Scientist, Wired, the Guardian, the New York Times, Discover, and more. “Not Exactly Rocket Science,” his blog hosted by National Geographic, is “his hub for talking about the awe-inspiring, beautiful and quirky world of science to as many people as possible, regardless of their background.”
Plait is also known as The Bad Astronomer. He writes Slate’s “Bad Astronomy” blog and in addition to being an astronomer, he is a public speaker, science evangelizer, and author of two books, including “Death From the Skies!” Plait has won numerous awards, including for his blog, and has worked with the Hubble Space Telescope team at NASA.
Award-winning science journalist Carl Zimmer is a columnist for The New York Times and is an expert on topics ranging from biology and evolution to parasites and viruses. He writes for numerous other publications, including National Geographic, which hosts his blog. Zimmer is the author of 10 widely praised science books.
@FromTheLabBench tweeted about results