Shout out to students for their service!
A shout out of thanks to the student officers for the 2013 -2014 academic year, pictured from left to right: Retreat Committee: Beatriz Otero Jimenez and Celia Miller; Executive Committee: Lucy Tran; Social Chair: Jeff Shi; GREEBS president: Micaela Martinez-Bakker; Admissions Committee: Brian Metzger, Alex Taylor (not pictured here, see below); Diversity Committee: Chuan Li and John Guittar (not pictured here, see below).
Pictured below: Undergraduate Affairs (Curriculum Committee): Thomas Jenkinson; Graduate Affairs Committee: Katherine Crocker; Seminar Committee: Naim Edwards and Wei Chin Ho; EEB Lunch representative: Paula Teichholtz; Admissions Committee: Alex Taylor and Diversity Committee: John Guittar. Your roles in helping all things EEB go smoothly is greatly appreciated!