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Experiential Learning Fund

All travel must follow current guidelines, which are detailed in the International Institute Travel Policy.

This fund is designed to support faculty-led group travel for undergraduate, graduate or professional school students wishing to incorporate an education abroad experiential component into an ongoing China-related course during either winter break or spring-summer terms. Although grants are primarily for student costs and it is expected that most faculty costs will be covered by their home department, LRCCS will consider requests for no more than half of the cost of (non-student) expenses. Grants are up to $10,000.

Eligibility Criteria:

Proposals must be from UM faculty and must make clear the experiential component of the program—“experiential” meaning student learning through participation in course-related activities outside the classroom. Proposals must also make clear the manner in which the program will give students an opportunity to learn about China in a hands-on way. Finally, proposals must identify the faculty member(s) who will be actively involved in site selection, planning, and evaluation of the overseas experience. In general, the expectation is that a LRCCS faculty associate will lead the trip. LRCCS has a preference for initiatives that have potential both for a continuing contribution to students at the University of Michigan and for long-term engagement with host country partners and institutions. Trips may be part of a non-credit experience, but should be part of a well-defined course or curricular program. Grants will not be awarded for humanitarian trips, projects with the primary purpose of service learning, or conference travel.

Deadline: Applications are to be submitted for consideration at an LRCCS Executive Committee meeting during Fall and Winter terms. Please contact the China Center at for those dates.

We would appreciate it if you would apply by no later than at least one term before the course is scheduled to take place.

Application Submission (pending changes):

Contact for additional information about how to apply.

  1. A completed Application Form.
  2. Description of the project (4 pages maximum). Include information on the educational value of the experience to the participants. Be explicit about the experiential nature (hands-on component) of the trip. What makes the activities substantially different than classroom lectures on the Ann Arbor campus? Also include the expected benefits to the host country institutions.
  3. Budget Form (Includes per-student cost for airfare, lodging, food, local transportation, visas, and required immunizations. Include other sources of funding (on or off-campus), if any.)
  4. Itinerary
  5. List of participants or a description of the selection process by which participants will be chosen
  6. Course syllabus