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The Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies (LRCCS) has trained some of the nation's leading scholars on China and houses experts in nearly every major facet of Chinese studies ranging from literature and history to law and public health.

LRCCS is known for its scholarship in ancient as well as contemporary China, the center serves as a major intellectual hub for understanding China, serving both the university community and the public.

Degree Programs
A full listing of undergraduate and graduate programs affiliated with LRCCS.

Fellowships and Grants
A comprehensive list of graduate and undergraduate funding for our degree programs.

Masters in International and Regional Studies

Students interested in a graduate degree in Chinese studies at the University of Michigan can pursue an MA degree through the Masters in International and Regional Studies (MIRS), which combines an interdisciplinary curriculum, rigorous methodological training, and international experiences with deep regional expertise.

MIRS will accept its first cohort of students in Fall 2019.

Graduate Certificate

The LRCCS also offers a new Graduate Certificate in Chinese Studies. For information on this program, including application instruction see: How to apply to the Graduate Certificate Program.