- What is Comp Lit?
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- Major in Comparative Literature, Arts, and Media
- Major in Translation
- Minor in Translation Studies
- First Year Writing Prize
- Senior Prize in Literary Translation
- Transfer Students
- Transfer Credit
- Accelerated MA Program in Transcultural Studies
- Comp Lit Plagiarism Statement
- Recommendation Requests
- Activities
- Peer Mentors
Prerequisites. There are no prerequisites to the minor.
Minor Program Requirements. The Minor in Translation Studies requires a minimum of 15 credits of courses, at least two courses in Comparative Literature, and a minimum of 12 credits in upper-level courses.
Comp Lit Translation Core (3 credits): either COMPLIT 200: Translation Across Disciplines or COMPLIT 322: Translating World Literatures.
Language (3 credits): An upper-level course (taught at the University of Michigan or taken for credit during Study Abroad) that develops skills in a language that the student will use for the capstone translation project. As a rule, an approved course plan for the Minor in Translation Studies will includeat least one upper-level course in a second language. However, students interested in translating across different media, technologies, or disciplines may petition for exception to the language rule, by proposing an upper-level course that develops other skills relevant to the capstone translation project.
Translation Electives (6 credits): Two upper-level courses with a central component on translation (taught in any department at the University of Michigan, or taken for credit during Study Abroad). Students may select courses from a pre-approved list, or propose courses for approval (with an explanation of the translation component and its relevance to their course plan for the Minor).
- Capstone Experience (3 credits): A capstone project may be completed via COMPLIT 494: Translation Practicum and/or COMPLIT 497: Translation Studies Undergraduate Capstone (an independent study course).
Grade Policies. No course will count towards the academic minor in Translation Studies unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.
Approval of Upper-Level Courses
Click here to find the list of pre-approved upper-level courses that will count toward the Minor in Translation Studies. Please note, this is not a comprehensive list, and many of the courses listed below are not offered every term of even every year. Students are free to propose other courses (taken at UM or during study abroad) that include a central component on translation and are offered across a wide range of departments. All courses counted toward minor requirement must be reviewed and approved by the Translation Studies Advisor.