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Degree Requirements


Minimum Credits. Students are required to complete a minimum of 27 credits. 

Prerequisites. Advistory prerequisite: Completion of the LSA Language Requirement. 

Major Program Requirements: The Translation Major can be pursued as a free-standing major or in combination with another major. Proficiency is required in at least one language other than English (established through coursework and/or study abroad and/or language exam). Students with proficiency in additional languages may explore translating between two languages other than English. Students take at least 9 credits in translation courses offered in the Department of Comparative Literature, in addition to 18 elective credits, as follows:

9 required credits in Comparative Literature translation courses.

Students choose at least three core translation courses offered on the Ann Arbor campus in Comparative Literature (additional Comparative Literature courses may count toward electives). A minimum of 3 credits must be taken to explore translation in practice, through courses offered as Translation Practicum and/or through an independent project for the Translation Studies Undergraduate Capstone. (Honors students are required to complete a capstone project in their junior or senior year).

At least two of the following Comparative Literature Core Translation Courses (6 credits total):

  • COMPLIT 200: Translation Across Disciplines (3 credits)
  • COMPLIT 322: Translating World Literatures (3 credits)
  • COMPLIT 323: Adapting World Literatures (3 credits)

At least one of the following Comparative Literature Translation In Practice Courses (3 credits total):

  • COMPLIT 494: Translation Practicum (1-3 credits)
  • COMPLIT 497: Translation Studies Undergraduate Capstone (3 credits) 

18 elective credits in language and translation.
Students choose 18 elective credits, at least 9 of which must be upper-level language courses beyond the LSA language requirement (with content designed to engage students with language fluency). All other electives should be courses related to language and/or translation, offered at the 200 level or above in any department.

  • 9 credits: a minimum of three upper-level language courses beyond the LSA language requirement 
  • If availability of upper-level courses in a language is limited, students may propose alternative plans for approval, in consultation with the undergraduate advisor.
  • 9 credits: courses related to language and/or translation in any department or discipline.

A list of pre-approved courses for the Translation Major can be found here. 

Constraints. A maximum of 12 credits may be shared between the requirements of the translation major and each additional major.

Exclusions. A major in Translation is not open to students with a minor in Translation Studies or a major in Comparative Literature. 

Grade Policies. No course will count toward the major unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.

Residency. The three Comparative Literature (COMPLIT) translation courses must be taken on the Ann Arbor campus. At least 6-credits of the Elective Requirement must be taken in-residence.

Distribution Policy. No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the COMPLIT subject area may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.

Honors. An Honors project offers the opportunity for the student to gain valuable experience through independent and substantive work in an area of their interest. To be eligible for an Honors sub-plan in Translation, students should have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4, and a 3.5-grade point average in courses counting toward the major. Students who elect an Honors major will complete a project of their own design during the final year of their course work (while enrolled in COMPLIT 497: Translation Studies Undergraduate Capstone). This capstone may take the form of a translation, an internship, community engagement, a project conducted during study abroad, or other forms of experiential or service learning.