- What is Comp Lit?
- Advising and Declaring
- Courses
- Student Spotlights
- Major in Comparative Literature, Arts, and Media
- Testing your Interest
- Degree Requirements
- Honors Subplan
- Careers
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Internships for Academic Credit
- Major in Translation
- Minor in Translation Studies
- First Year Writing Prize
- Senior Prize in Literary Translation
- Transfer Students
- Transfer Credit
- Accelerated MA Program in Transcultural Studies
- Comp Lit Plagiarism Statement
- Recommendation Requests
- Activities
- Peer Mentors
How long does it take to fulfill requirements for a Comparative Literature degree?
Most students fulfill the major requirements in their last two years, by taking two or more courses required for the major each semester. Those who start earlier find they have more time and choice of courses.
Does the order in which I take courses matter?
It is important to work on your language skills during your first two years so that you are prepared to take more advanced literature courses in your language(s) for your major. The only course that all students majoring in Comparative Literature are required to take at a specific time is COMPLIT 495, the senior seminar offered in the fall semester of the senior year. For students who choose to write an Honors Thesis, COMPLIT 496 follows in the second semester of the senior year. With the exception of COMPLIT 495 and 496, the program allows you to take major requirements in the order that best suits you.
Can I repeat a course for credit?
Some courses in Comparative Literature carry general titles under which varied topics may be offered. If you want to take a different topic under the same course number, you can take the course again for credit if you get departmental permission: be sure to contact the student services coordinator within the first two weeks of class to make this request. Refer to the LSA Course Guide for a list of courses that cannot be taken more than once for credit. Please note: You cannot take the same course twice to get a better grade.
What if courses are full?
If courses fill before you can get into them, indicate your desire to get in by signing up on a waitlist. This alerts the department to the overload and may result in other sections being opened. The student services coordinators monitor the waitlist for the upcoming term and when space becomes available in a course, students will be moved off of the waitlist and into the course; you will be notified by email so that you can register for the course.
In Comparative Literature courses, students are required to attend the first two meetings of the class in order to claim a place. Do not assume that your place will be held if, for some reason, you cannot make it to the first class meeting. Students are taken from the waitlist and given permission to register in chronological order or in consultation with the instructor. If a course is full, put your name on the waitlist and attend the first two meetings to try to get permission to register. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the attendance and waitlist policies in other departments whose courses you elect.
What if I do not complete a course?
Occasionally you may not be able to complete the coursework because of extenuating circumstances. In such a case, ask the instructor to approve your taking an Incomplete. Incompletes are rare and not given automatically. They are not given, for instance, to students who don’t feel ready to take the final exam or to write a final paper. The professor must give permission in advance. LSA students can find more information on incompletes on the Newnan Academic Advising website.
What if I have to withdraw from college?
Emergency situations may necessitate a student’s withdrawal from the college either temporarily or permanently. Before making a definite decision, we suggest you talk to an advisor or counselor, to see what options are open to you. If you do decide to withdraw, you should leave in good standing so that if and when you return your transcript will be in order. Notify the Office of Academic Actions either in writing or in person. There is a dis enrollment fee if you leave after the first day of class.
What if I change my mind about my major?
You do not need to schedule an advising appointment if you’re dropping the major. If you have your declaration change processed by another department, we do ask that you email the Student Services Coordinator as a courtesy.
What if I believe I was unfairly graded?
The first step is to discuss the grade with your instructor. If, after a thorough discussion of your work, you still feel unfairly graded, you may appeal through the grievance process established by the department offering the course. The Comparative Literature policy is available on our website.