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Degree Requirements


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Prerequisites. Advisory prerequisite: Completion of the LSA Language Requirement.

Major Program Requirements. The major requires 27 credits, including 12 credits in Comparative Literature (COMPLIT) courses at the 200-level or above; a focus of 12 credits (determined in consultation with the department advisor), of which at least three credits must be a the 400-500 level; and the completion of a senior seminar (COMPLIT 495), which culminates in the presentation of a seminar paper.

  • Comparative Literature Core: 12 required credits in Comp Lit core courses.
  • Focus: 12 credits focused on one language, one medium, one discipline, or a coherent combination thereof, determined in consultation with the departmental advisor. A minimum 3 credits must be elected at the advanced (400-500 level). 
  • Capstone Seminar: COMPLIT 495 (3 credits). Capstone Seminar in Comparative Literature (completed during the fall term of the student’s senior year).

Constraints. A maximum of 12 credits may be shared between the requirements of the Comparative Literature, Arts, and Media major and each additional major.

Exclusions. A major in Comparative Literature is not open to students with a Translation major. 

Grade Policies. No course will count toward the major unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.

Residency. The four Comparative Literature (COMPLIT) courses must be taken on the Ann Arbor campus. At least 3 credits of the focus requirement must be taken in-residence.

Distribution Policy. No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the COMPLIT subject area may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.

Honors. To be eligible for an Honors major in Comparative Literature, Arts, and Media, students should have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 3.4, and a 3.5 grade point average in courses counting toward the major. Students who elect an Honors degree will write an Honors thesis during the final year of their course work.