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Graduate Student Translation Conference

Friday, May 8, 2015
4:00 AM
West Conference Room, Rackham

5th Biannual Conference

The University of Michigan Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop in Literary Translation is currently welcoming applications from graduate student translators for the 5th Biannual Graduate Student Translation Conference, which will be held May 8-9, 2015 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This traveling conference was originally founded at ULCA in 2004 to promote community and foster conversation among graduate students around the practice of literary translation. It has since been hosted by the University of Iowa, Columbia University, as well as the University of Michigan. It is our hope that the 2015 convocation will reestablish this event as a biannual gathering for graduate student translators.

The 5th Biannual Graduate Student Translation Conference
Featuring Keynote Speaker Sean Cotter (Associate Professor, UT-Dallas)

Sean Cotter's most recent translated poetry collection Wheel with a Single Spoke and Other Poems by Nichita Stanescu won Three Percent’s Best Translated Book Award for poetry in 2012.

The conference will be comprised of workshops and roundtables that revolve around the practice of literary translation. We encourage graduate students who translate from any language and time period into English to apply for a place in one of the workshops. To facilitate the opportunity for close readings and lively discussion, each group will be limited to six participants. All members will have their translations workshopped and will be expected to comment on the texts of the other workshop members. Roundtable discussions will feature professionals who engage with foreign literature in the United States, in order to highlight the work, beyond translating itself, involved in the circulation of international literature in the US.


May 8
2:00PM-4:00PM: Opening Panel- Literary Translation and the Professional World
4:00PM-6:00PM: Keynote Address