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Reading Workshop on "Of the Refrain" (from A Thoursand Plateaus)

Friday, October 4, 2013
4:00 AM
2015 D Tisch Hall

A reading workshop on Deleuze and Guattari's musical thought with visiting music scholar Michael Gallope.

The Interdisciplinary Music Forum is co-sponsoring an event to be held on October 4th with visiting music scholar Michael Gallope (info below). Hosting with the Deleuze Interest Group, we will be offering a reading workshop on Deleuze and Guattari's musical thought. Lunch will be provided.

If you are interested in attending the reading/lunch session from 1-3 p.m., please RSVP to by Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, so we can plan the lunch order.

Michalel Gallope:

Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Minnesota
M.A., Ph.D., Musicology, NYU, 2011
B.A., B.M., Oberlin, 2003
My interests range widely from music and sound studies to philosophy, critical theory, and modernism across a variety of media, though my principle research is in the intellectual history of music. I am currently working on a book entitled "Deep Refrains: Sound and Music Beyond the Linguistic Turn." It narrates a history of six themes in twentieth-century musical thought: 1) tones 2) constellations 3) inconsistencies 4) rhythm 5) vocality 6) recollections and teleologies. The project is based in a revision of my dissertation that compared diverging habits of speculative thought among the musically-minded figures of continental philosophy (Bloch, Adorno, Jankélévitch, and Deleuze).

I am also interested in formalism, modernism, and critical thought in musical practices that do not make use of traditional notation. In this vein, my second book will focus on vernacular practices of experimentation across semi-literate, popular, and electronically-minded musical practices since WWII.

As a musician I have worked in a variety of genres from new music and free improvisation to rock and electronic dance music. In 2010, I began working with Sierra Leonean singer Janka Nabay, and collaborated with him on a full length album that was released by David Byrne's label Luaka Bop in 2012.

Co-hosted by the Deleuze Interest Group (DIG) and The Interdisciplinary Music Forum