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Before (and After) Religion Discussion on the Formation of the Concept

Monday, March 11, 2013
4:00 AM
Osterman Commons, 212 Thayer

Workshop with Brent Nongbri Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)

Brent Nongbri received his PhD in Religious Studies at Yale University in 2008. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in Early Christianity, Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. His monograph, Before Religion: A History of a Modern Concept, has been just published by Yale University Press (2013). He is currently working on a study of the dating of early Christian literary manuscripts.

The discussion will focus on select reading material, including an excerpt from his book.
The event is open to public, but the seating is limited. Please contact Ms. Paula Frank ( to reserve a spot and to gain access to the reading.