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Complit Open House for Undergraduate-undeclared students

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
4:00 AM
Comp Lit Library, 2015 Tisch Hall

Get your questions answered and visit with current Comp Lit concentrators, graduate students and faculty.

Comparative literature invites students to explore literature in different ways using multiple languages and their specific areas of interest.  The program is interdepartmental and individualized.  The goal of the concentration is to help the student increase their skills in analytical reading and argumentative writing and to develop an understanding of the interrelationships among several literary traditions.  You will study two literatures (one may be English) in the original languages and familiarize yourself with essential writings in the theory of literature.

Career opportunities are diverse and depend mainly on the goals and aspirations of the individual student.  Students have pursued jobs in the area of education, law, journalism and business and many continue on in graduate and/or professional programs.