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Women Visualizing Africa Film Series: Documentary: Cuba: An African Odyssey

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
5:00 AM
4pm, 2435 North Quad, 105 South State Street

(France/Egypt, 2008) directed by Jihan El-Tahri

In this documentary, El-Tahri returns to the unforgotten and untold story of the intense relationship between Cuba and the continent of Africa. This revealing, award-winning documentary adds to our understanding of the Cold War through its least-known context: Africa. From 1961 to 1991, the Dark Continent was a battleground for four different competing interests. From Che Guevara’s efforts in the Congo to the triumphant battle at Cuito Cuanavale, Cuba: An African Odyssey tells the story of those internationalists who won their battles but ultimately lost the War.
French w/ English subtitles.
Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Jihan El-Tahri is a French and Egyptian national. “In 1984, she received her BA in Political Science, and in 1986 her MA in Political Science from the American University in Cairo. She worked as a news correspondent with U.S. News and World Report and Reuters, TV researcher, and associate producer in Tunisia, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Algeria, and Egypt between 1984 to 1990. As a correspondent, El-Tahri covered politics in the Middle East.”