Table | Major | Table | Major |
31R | Afroamerican and African Studies | ||
39R | American Culture | 26R | Jazz & Contemporary Improvisation |
46R | Ancient Greek | 20R | Judaic Studies |
60P | Anthropology | 46R | Latin |
20R | Applied Exercise Science |
67P | Latin American & Caribbean Studies |
43R | Arts and Ideas in the Humanities | 39R | Latina/o Studies |
19R | Asian Languages and Cultures | 69P | Linguistics |
18R | Astronomy and Astrophysics | 7R | Mathematics |
24R | Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Studies | 1R | Microbiology |
23R | Biochemistry | 19R | Middle East Studies |
1R | Biology | 68P | Middle Eastern & North African Studies |
1R | Biology, Health & Society | 46R | Modern Greek |
24R | Biomolecular Science | 1R | Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology |
21R | Biophysics | 20R | Movement Science |
61P | Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience | 26R | Music |
24R | Chemical Sciences | 26R | Music & Technology |
24R | Chemistry | 26R | Music Theory |
26R | Choral Music Education | 26R | Musical Theatre |
46R | Classical Archaeology | 26R | Musicology |
46R | Classical Civilization | 1R | Neuroscience |
46R | Classical Languages and Literature | 2R | Neuroscience |
1R | CMBS (Joint Program with Biomedical Engineering) | 26R | Organ Performance & Sacred Music |
70P | Cognitive Sciences | 33R | Organizational Studies |
41R | Communication and Media | 26R | Performance: Organ |
25R | Community and Global Public Health | 26R | Performance: Multiple Wind Instruments |
57P | Comparative Literature | 26R | Performance: Winds & Percussion |
26R | Composition | 26R | Performing Arts Technology |
8R | Computer Science | 36R | Philosophy |
43R | Creative Writing and Literature | 37R | Philosophy, Politics, and Economics |
26R | Dance | 17R | Physics |
8R | Data Science | 26R | Piano Performance |
9R | Data Science | 54P | Polish |
43R | Drama | 32R | Political Science |
3R | Earth and Environmental Sciences | 61P | Psychology |
1R | Ecology, Evolution, & Biodiversity | 25R | Public Health Sciences |
10R | Economics | 35R | Public Policy |
28R | Elementary Teacher Education | 56P | Romance Languages and Literatures |
58P | English | 54P | Russian |
4R | Environment | 68P | Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies |
42R | Film, Television, and Media | 28R | Secondary Teacher Education |
56P | French and Francophone Studies | 44R | Social Theory and Practice |
40R | Gender and Health | 53P | Sociology |
55P | German | 26R | Sound Engineering |
47R | History | 56P | Spanish |
49R | History of Art | 20R | Sport Management |
60P | Human Origins, Biology, and Behavior | 9R | Statistics |
9R | Informatics | 26R | Strings Performance |
26R | Instrumental Music Education | 16R | Teacher Certification in Physics |
26R | Interarts Performance | 46R | Teaching Certificate in Latin |
17R | Interdisciplinary Astronomy | 26R | Theatre Arts |
23R | Interdisciplinary Clinic Sciences | 26R | Theatre Design & Production |
16R | Interdisciplinary Physics | 26R | Theatre Performance: Acting |
66P | International Studies | 26R | Theatre Performance: Directing |
68P | International Studies | 26R | Voice Performance |
56P | Italian | 40R | Women's and Gender Studies |
26R | Jazz & Contemplative Studies |
Table | Minor | Table | Minor |
31R | Afroamerican and African Studies | 47R | History of Medicine and Health |
39R | American Culture | 17R | Interdisciplinary Astronomy |
60P | Anthropolgy - Archaeology | 51P | Intergroup Relations Education |
60P | Anthropolgy - Linguistic | 66P | International Studies |
60P | Anthropolgy - Sociocultural | 68P | International Studies |
9R | Applied Statistics | 68P | Islamic Studies |
39R | Arab and Muslim American Studies | 56P | Italian |
19R | Arabic Studies | 20R | Judaic Studies |
39R | Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies | 46R | "Language, Literature, and Culture of Ancient Greece" |
17R | Astronomy and Astrophysics | 46R | "Language, Literature, and Culture of Ancient Rome" |
23R | Biochemistry | 68P | Latin American & Caribbean Studies |
60P | Biological Anthropolgy | 39R | Latina/o Studies |
1R | Biology | 53P | "Law, Justice, & Social Change" |
21R | Biophysics | 40R | LGBTQ and Sexuality Studies |
54P | Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian | 69P | Linguistics |
64P | Business | 7R | Mathematics |
23R | Chemical Measurement Science | 60P | Medical Anthropology |
23R | Chemical Physics | 19R | Middle East Studies |
23R | Chemistry | 68P | Modern European Studies |
46R | Classical Archaeology | 46R | Modern Greek |
46R | Classical Civilization | 68P | Modern Middle Eastern & North African Studies |
52P | Community Action and Social Change | 36R | Moral and Political Philosophy |
22R | Complex Systems | 49R | Museum Studies |
8R | Computer Science | 26R | Music |
12R | Computing for Expression | 26R | Musical Theatre Composition |
12R | Computing for Scientific Discovery | 39R | Native American Studies |
58P | Creative Writing | 3R | Oceanography |
44R | Crime and Justice | 3R | Paleontology |
54P | Czech | 26R | Performing Arts Management and Entrepreneurship |
26R | Dance | 16R | Physics |
9R | Data Science | 26R | Playwriting |
13R | Digital Studies | 54P | Polish |
43R | Drama: Text to Performance | 32R | Political Science |
55P | Dutch and Flemish Studies | 23R | Polymer Chemistry |
3R | Earth Sciences | 26R | Popular Music Studies |
54P | East European and Eurasian Studies | 56P | Portuguese |
1R | "Ecology, Evolution, & Biodiversity" | 35R | Public Policy |
10R | Economics | 11R | Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences |
4R | Energy Science and Policy | 47R | Religion |
58P | English | 54P | Russian |
65P | Entrepreneurship | 55P | Scandinavian Studies |
4R | Environment | 44R | "Science, Technology and Society" |
4R | Food | 40R | Social Class and Ineqality Studies |
56P | French and Francophone Studies | 53P | Sociology of Health & Medicine |
40R | Gender and Health | 56P | Spanish |
40R | "Gender, Race, and Nation" | 9R | Statistics |
36R | General Philosophy | 4R | Sustainability |
3R | Geology | 46R | Teaching Certificate in Latin |
55P | German | 26R | Theatre Design & Production |
26R | Global & Ethnic Performance Studies | 57P | Translation Studies |
47R | Global History | 54P | Ukranian |
42R | Global Media Studies | 44R | Urban Studies |
47R | History | 4R | Water |
49R | History of Art | 34R | Writing |
47R | History of Law and Policy | 55P | Yiddish Studies |
48R | Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Table | Program | Table | Program |
6R | Actuarial Program | 67P | International Institute - Fellowships & Grants |
50R | Applied Liberal Arts | 63P | LSA Opportunity Hub |
45R | Barger Leadership Institute | 14R | Multidisciplinary Design Program |
5R | Biological Station | 71P | Newnan - Bachelor in General Studies (BGS) |
38R | Center for Global and Intercultural Study | 72P | Newnan - Pre-Health/Pre-Law |
59P | English Language Institute | 30R | Undergraduate Education |
62P | Honors Program | 15R | Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) |