Professor of Psychiatry, Professor of Neurol; Chief Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry; University of Michigan Faculty Ombuds; Associate Director, Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center; Senior Director of the Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI);
Professor of Psychology (By Courtesy)
Additional Research Interests: Mobility Research, Motor Control, Neuropsychology
My research focuses on clinical neuropsychology; the interaction of cognition and mobility performance across the lifespan; developmental cognitive and attention disorders; cross-cultural issues in assessment; neuropsychological and cerebral metabolic aspects of progressive memory disorders and movement disorders in children and adults.
Selected Publications
Giordani B, Persad C. Neuropsychological influences on gait in the elderly. In J Hausdorff, N Alexander (Eds), Gait Disorders – Evaluation and Management. Florida: Taylor & Francis Group, 2005:117-142.
Giordani B, Caveney AF, Huffman J, Berent S, Miller A, Sharma U, Carr Giles JM, Trudeau V, Garofalo E: Cognition and behavior in children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS). Epilepsy Research, 70:89-94, 2006.
Samra SK, Giordani B, Caveney A, Clarke WR, Scott PA, Anderson S, Thompson G, Todd MM. Recovery of cognitive functioning after surgery for aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke, 38:1864-1872, 2007.
Starkman MN, Giordani B, Gebarski SS, Schteingart DE. Improvement in mood and ideation associated with increase in right caudate volume.Journal of Affective Disorders 101:139-147, 2007.
Giordani, B, Chervin, RD. Sleep disordered Breathing and neurobehavioral outcomes: In search of clear markers for children at risk. Journal of the American Medical Association, 299(17):2078-2080, 2008.
Boivin M, Giordani B. Neuropsychoogical assessment of African children: Evidence for a universal basis to cognitive ability. In J Chiao (Ed) Progress in Brain Research: Cultural Neuroscience, 2009.