I’ve specialized in the psychology of women for 30 years. In this work, I study all manner of injustice confronting us, from violence to harassment to everyday denials of dignity.
There’s not much that shocks me. But I am stunned by the contempt for women coming out of the Trump Administration.
Consider, for example, the list of words flagged as problematic in NSF grants. Stemming from the administration’s war on DEI, the list includes women, female and females. Another word is conspicuously absent: men (Black and Hispanic are also on the list, but not white). In a similar vein, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention directed scientists to withdraw publications containing certain words, including gender.
Will this censorship of science improve discovery? Yield medical advances? Give our national labs a competitive edge? No, no and no.
Will it get in the way of research on women’s health? It already has.
Read the full article on the Detroit Free Press.