There are many pre-sleeping routines that have been advised by numerous professionals and health studies in the past. But through the limited understanding we have about the neurological factors of sleep, solutions for problems revolving around it, including insomnia, are still unavailable.

Pre-sleep routines of animals were already discussed in several papers before, but the data in humans are not yet explored thoroughly. In a new study, the neurobiological mechanisms that are responsible for pre-bedtime activities might have been discovered.

The research was led by scholars from the University of Michigan. In their paper, the authors analyzed a series of mouse experiments to determine how the brain works before we sleep. The findings collected from this research present new insights over brain regions that are inducing the pre-sleep pattern of people.

The authors elaborated on the puzzles of sleep, including how animals transition to being awake, how the brain interacts and responds to the environment upon wakefulness, as well as the distinct oscillatory patterns during sleep.

The study was published in the journal Current Biology, titled "Lateral hypothalamic neuronal ensembles regulate pre-sleep nest-building behavior."

Read the full article at The Science Times.