Jocelyn Anderson - Psychology Star Award 

Presented to the staff member who is recognized by the Chief Administrator for serving as an example of leadership and innovation in building the future of the department.  


Jennifer Barnett - Psychology Chair's Award

Presented to the staff member who is recognized by the Chair and Associate Chairs for being a positive voice and builder of solutions for the future of the department.

Anna Caruso - Chris Peterson Staff Excellence Award

Nominated for outstanding service to the department and its members and for making a real difference in the life of the department. 


Conni Harrigan - Psychology Management Leadership Award

Presented to the staff member who is recognized for going above and beyond in providing service to our faculty, students, and staff.

Benjamin Katz, Ziyong Lin, Ellen McGinnis, Jeffrey Pettibone - Psychology Outstanding GSI Award

Presented to the GSIs who demonstrate exceptional ability, creativity, passion and growth as teachers and mentors. 


Monique Ward - Graduate Mentoring Award

Presented to the faculty member who is recognized by graduate students for going above and beyond as a supportive mentor and role model in students' educational and career development.



Congrats and thank you to all of our wonderful staff, faculty, and students!