Children who are harshly punished tend to grow up to be violent
Listen to radio clip with Rowell Huesmann.
TRANSCRIPT - KOPB 9/22/2014 6:26:12 AM: ...her interest in children Moran the behavior how far should these N.F.L. trainings gold make a difference children who were more harshly punished and even tended to be more aggressive and Rowell Huesmann and is a psychologist at the University of Michigan who spent his career trying to figure out what makes some people violent told emigrate imitators and there were named as they've been here at that this is a way you deal with other people when you want to make them do we're not hope Adrian Peterson the Vikings running back says his father wept him as a child Pearson even chose the same instrument his family used to discipline his own son a switch from a tree no NFL training can change what players experiences children but it might help break the cycle of violence from one generation to the next and shorter term call would be addressing the biggest risk factor of offer committing acts of violence having committed violent before researchers say getting started is more likely when you get a message to the violence is acceptable until very recently that's the message to the NFL I sent New Orleans was running I think have big posters of football players and their warranty before all the teams in you can bet there being no would score a hit in all of this is a scale not Jackson cats works with NFL players in a program called MDP mentors in violence prevention a training programme Just like what Commissioner Goodell promised me indeed for of N.F.L. players cat has worked with the NFL from us 15 years be easily than Bradley and occasionally it's never been systematic in the NFL and we've argued for years the week somewhat more of the oneness of the whether to make it happen cat hasn't done a car from the N.F.L. yet about the new me and the but in order to make a difference and clears behavior he says between also have to go beyond once a presentation he was called to change without setting a time when we're abusive behavior is scene is completely unacceptable in the meantime violence researcher Richard Geller says that even though weighed reaction to re races abuse is progress 2014 is the first time I had seen in professional athlete will you run up and sanctioned for domestic violence Goias wheel by far one list for me have based our players basketball players in for Bob Ayers who when and arrested in were allowed to keep playing even after a particularly brutal assaults of their wives and girlfriends now all he's been tried that is ...