- Majors and Minors
- Departments and Units
- Courses
- LSA Degrees
- LSA Requirements
- LSA Academic Policies and Procedures
- Credit Policies
- Registration and Enrollment
- Registration
- Credit Load (Full Time and Part Time Status)
- Prerequisites
- Closed Courses
- Waitlists
- Overrides
- Time Conflicts
- Repeating a Course
- Credit Hour Modification
- Auditing a Course
- Accuracy of Schedule
- Class Attendance
- Final Exams
- Add/Drop
- Term Withdrawal
- Returning Students
- Grading, Transcripts, and Academic Records
- Academic Standing
- Academic Integrity
- LSA Commitment to Academic Freedom
- Dates and Deadlines
- Academic Integrity
- Engaged Learning
- Business
- What Will You Do with an LSA Degree?
The College does not require students to be enrolled full time, although this may be a requirement for financial aid or auto or health insurance.
Number of Credits Elected | |
Full-time enrollment (full term) | 12 - 18 credits |
Part-time enrollment (full term) | 11 or fewer credits |
Full-time enrollment (half term) | 6-9 credits |
Part-time enrollment (half term) | 5 or fewer credits |
Tuition rates vary depending on full-time or part-time enrollment. Information from the Office of the Registrar may be found here.
Students seeking to take more than 18 credits during a full term and more than 9 credits during a half term must seek approval from their LSA general advisor.
Recommended Credit Load
We encourage students to take at least 15 credits in their first semester. Data shows that students who take 15 credits in both semesters in the first year end with higher GPAs and are more likely to graduate on time than their full-time peers who take fewer credits. A 12-18 credit load is considered full-time and costs the same amount of money.