Professor, American Culture/Film, Television, and Media
yrivero@umich.eduOffice Information:
105 S. State Street, 6330 North Quad, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1285
phone: 734.764.5744
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; LACS Faculty
PhD, Department of Radio, TV, & Film, Univeristy of Texas at Austin, 2000MA, Theater, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1993
BA, Drama, minor in Communications, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 1991
Highlighted Work and Publications
Havana as a 1940s-1950s Latin American Media Capital
Yeidy Rivero
This essay examines the Cuban broadcasting industry's prominent position in the 1940s and 1950s Latin American media landscape by analyzing the transformations of Havana-based radio and television and the media exchanges between Cuba, the U.S., and Latin America. The author pays special attention to the ways in which the concentration of creative talent in Havana, in addition to industrial, legal, economic, and cultural factors, fostered the growth of Cuba's commercial broadcasting. In addition, the essay traces Havana media connections across the region and conflictive economic, industrial...
See MoreBroadcasting Modernity: Cuban Television, 1950-1953
Yeidy Rivero
The essay argues that through television questions about Cuban modernity entailed issues of technology, class, race, gender, morality, sexuality, and geography, as well as the nation's relationship to the United States and to other Latin American countries.
Name of Periodical: Cinema Journal
Volume Number: 42
Issue Number: 3
Year of Publication...
See MoreChanneling Blackness/Challenging Racism: A Theatrical Response
Yeidy Rivero
This article calls attention to the pressing need to explore commercial television’s racial, ethnic, cultural, and gendered representations across the Latin American and Spanish Caribbean region as well as documenting the ways in which non-white citizens are (and have been) coping with their social and televisual marginalization. The performance piece You Don’t Look Like provides a unique opportunity to examine how those who have been excluded from and reconfigured in the local televisual frame have negotiated their invisibility and their constructed Otherness. By reenacting some of...
See MoreBroadcasting Modernity: Cuban Commercial TV, 1950-1960
Yeidy Rivero
Publisher: Duke University Press
Month of Publication: February
Year of Publication: 2015
Contemporary Latina/o Media: Rethinking Production, Circulation and Politics
In Contemporary Latina/o Media, Arlene Dávila and Yeidy M. Rivero bring together an impressive range of leading scholars to move beyond analyses of media representations, going behind the scenes to explore issues of production, circulation, consumption, and political economy that affect Latina/o mass media.
See MoreTuning Out Blackness: Race and Nation in the History of Puerto Rican Television
Yeidy Rivero
Tuning Out Blackness fills a glaring omission in U.S. and Latin American television studies by looking at the history of Puerto Rican television. In exploring the political and cultural dynamics that have shaped racial representations in Puerto Rico’s commercial media from the late 1940s to the 1990s, Yeidy M. Rivero advances critical discussions about race, ethnicity, and the media. She shows that televisual representations of race have belied the racial egalitarianism that allegedly pervades Puerto Rico’s national culture. White performers in blackface have often portrayed ...
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