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Building a Green Economy: Indigenous Strategies for a Sustainable Future

Monday, November 11, 2013
5:00 AM
Rackham Amphtheater

Native American Heritage Month 2013

The United States is the largest source of greenhouse gases in the world and influences international policy. It turns out that Native American communities have the potential to generate up to one half of present US electrical consumption through producing power from the wind. This is the alternative to both military intervention into oil rich countries, and represents the potential for ecological sustainability. In recent years, Winona LaDuke has been involved in moving tribal communities towards wind and alternative energy systems, and working with tribal and state governments to voluntarily meet the conditions of the Kyoto accord. A leader on the issues of culturally-based sustainable development strategies, renewable energy, and food systems, LaDuke offers alternatives and a vision for the future.

This event is co-sponsored by the National Center for Institutional Diversity, the Native American Student Association, Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs and Trotter Multi-cultural Center, Center for Campus Involvement, Women's Studies Department, Department of American Culture, School of Social Work, Ford School of Public Policy, Native American Studies Program, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Center for the Education of Women, the King/Chavez/Parks Visiting Professors Program, and the Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.

This event is free and open to the public.  A reception follows in the Michigan League.

Winona LaDuke, American Indian author, orator, and activist