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Undergraduate Honors Colloquium and McGuigan Prize Presentation

Monday, April 22, 2013
4:00 AM
2239 Lane Hall

Presentation of the Undergraduate McGuigan Award for best essay in Women’s Studies to Julianne Halsey for “Women Writers and Women’s Rights: Understanding the Relationship Between English Women Authors and American Women Readers in the Nineteenth Century”

Undergraduate Honors Colloquium

Renee Gross, Negotiated Bonds: Analyzing the mother/daughter relationship through the lens of disability

Alex Kulick, How Gay Stayed White: Millennial White Gay Men and the Production of and Resistance to Racism, Sexism, and Heterosexism

Amy Navvab, From fag hags to gay best friends: Understanding millennial straight women’s heterosexual authorship, allyhood, and friendships with gay men

      Honors thesis writers Alex Kulick, Amy Navvab, and Renee Gross

Amy Navvab, Alex Kulick and Renee Gross