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Stigma in Abortion and Abortion Work: Stories from the Field

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
5:00 AM
2239 Lane Hall

Lisa Harris, ObGyn and Women's Studies and Jane Hassinger, Women's Studies

The Danger Talk: Conflicting Values, Politics and Discourses in Feminist Practice program area at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender focuses on the experiences of women and men who engage in feminist practice but who are in some ways inhibited or silenced by the feminist discourses surrounding their work. This interdisciplinary program brings together scholars and community practitioners to take part in intellectual activities including forming and evaluating a discussion/study group to define and establish the parameters of "danger-talk" in a particular area of practice- in this case abortion work and faculty seminar whose members will explore the complex intellectual and psychological issues related to "danger-talk" for scholarship and practice.