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Curators, Research Scientists and Staff

Karen Alofs
Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability
Dana Building, G128A
440 Church St
Ann Arbor MI 48109
(734) 615-9282
Brett Benz
Collection Manager, Division of Birds
Assistant Research Scientist
1423 Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Dr
Ann Arbor MI 48108-2228
Andre Bochov
Adjunct Assistant Research Scientist
John Burch (1929-2021)
Professor Emeritus and Curator Emeritus
Don Cameron
Adjunct Curator
2176 Angell 734.764.7505
Liliana Cortés Ortiz
Research Associate Professor
2060 Biological Sciences Building 734.615.9950
Alison Davis Rabosky
Associate Professor; Associate Curator, Museum of Zoology
2064 Biological Sciences Building 734.763.8694
Christopher W. Dick
Curator, U-M Herbarium
2068 Biological Sciences Building
830 North University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048
Thomas Duda
Professor; Curator, Museum of Zoology
2034 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.2358
Taro Eldredge
Research Museum Collection Manager - Insect Division
LSA Ecology & Evolutionary Bio
2220 BSB
1105 N. University
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1085
William Fink
Professor Emeritus and Curator Emeritus
Benjamin Hess
Museum Registrar
1081 Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor MI 48108-2228
Katie Kinney
Undergraduate Research Assistant
L. Lacey Knowles
Robert B. Payne Collegiate Professor; Curator, Museum of Zoology
2010 Biological Sciences Building 734.763.5603, Lab Phone: 734.763.7943
Taehwan Lee
Mollusk Collections Manager;
Associate Research Scientist
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Office 1424
Hernán López-Fernández
Associate Chair for Collections - EEB Museums Associate Professor and Curator of Fishes, Museum of Zoology
2014 Biological Sciences Building
Barbara Lundrigan
Adjunct Researcher
Haley Martens
Research Lab Tech Sr
1304 Research Museums Center, 3600 Varsity Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48108
John Megahan
Scientific Illustrator
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Thomas Moore
Professor Emeritus and Curator Emeritus
Robbin Murrell
Administrative Specialist
3600 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Philip Myers
Professor Emeritus and Curator Emeritus
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Office 1210
Ramon Nagesan
Research Laboratory Specialist
1304 Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2228
Douglas Nelson
Emeritus - Fishes Collections Manager
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Room 1421
Ron Nussbaum
Professor Emeritus and Curator Emeritus
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Office 1230
Barry OConnor
Professor Emeritus and Curator Emeritus, Museum of Zoology
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Room 1014
Diarmaid Ó Foighil
Professor, Curator
2244 Biological Sciences Building 734.647.2193
Dan Rabosky
Professor; Curator, Museum of Zoology
2032 Biological Sciences Building 510.610.9082
Christopher Raxworthy
Adjunct Research Investigator
Greg Schneider
Collection Manager
Research Museum Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Office 1421
Randy Singer
Collection Manager, Division of Fishes; Assistant Research Scientist
1421 Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor MI 48108-2228
Gerald Smith
Publications Editor;
Professor Emeritus;
Curator Emeritus
Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Office 1016
Cody Thompson
Collection Manager, Division of Mammals and Associate Research Scientist
1422 Research Museums Center
3600 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor MI 48108-2228
Priscilla Tucker
Professor Emeritus,
Curator Emeritus
2038 Biological Sciences Building 734.647.3085
Michelle Varteresian
TCN Technician, Museum of Zoology, Insect Division, Terrestrial Parasite Tracker Project
(734) 536-5209 (cell phone)
Brian Weeks
Museum Associate & Assistant Professor,
School for Environment and Sustainability
Dana Building
440 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(614) 216-9266
Benjamin Winger
Curator of Birds & Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Museum of Zoology
2018 Biological Sciences Building
1105 N. University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1085