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Michigan News: Freshwater mussels: Investigating the remarkable reproductive cycle of Michigan’s threatened mollusks

The study’s lead author, Trevor Hewitt, conducted the fieldwork for his doctoral dissertation in the U-M Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The senior author, Diarmaid Ó Foighil, is a professor in the department and was Hewitt’s adviser.

- Jim Erickson

Tags: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Museum of Zoology; Diarmaid O' Foighil

Salon: A fungal pandemic is massacring frogs, but scientists just found a virus that could lead to a cure

Over 500 species of amphibians are suffering major population declines due to BD while there have been 90 possible extinctions and near extinctions.

- Matthew Rozsa

Tags: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Museum of Zoology; Herbarium; Timothy James

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