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Vote for the World’s Most Remarkable Mollusc

EEB Ph.D. student Yu Kai Tan submitted a finalist specimen for the International Mollusc of the Year competition – the Xenophora conchyliophora – The Seafloor Decorator

- Theresa Frasca

Tags: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Museum of Zoology; Yu Kai Tan

Let's Talk Insects with Dr. K. Taro Eldredge

Dr. K. Taro Eldredge is the Collection Manager for Insects for the University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology. He shares how rove beetles have evolved symbiotic relationships, and also how they break the cardinal rule of insects.

- Theresa Frasca

Tags: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Museum of Zoology; K. Taro Eldredge

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