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Occasional Papers

OP 26 Swales, B.H., 1916. 
The ornithological writings of Charles Fox. 2 pp. $0.50

OP 27 Wood, N.A., F. Smith, and F.C. Gates, 1916. 
The summer birds of the Douglas Lake region, Cheboygan County, Michigan. 21 pp. $1.70

OP 50 Wood, N.A., 1918. 
Notes on the birds of Alger County, Michigan. 15 pp., 1 foldout map. $1.20

OP 57 Swales, B.H., 1918. 
The Purple Sandpiper at Cleveland, Ohio. 2 pp. $0.50

OP 119 Wood, N.A., 1922. 
Observations on the birds of Berrien County, Michigan. 35 pp. $2.80

OP 194 Metzelaar, J., 1928. 
Further experiments in inheritance of color in domestic pigeons. 29 pp., 1 plate, 1 figure. $2.30

OP 255 Van Tyne, J., 1933. 
Some birds of the Rio Grande delta of Texas. 5 pp. $0.60

OP 256 Van Tyne, J., 1933. 
A new solitary vireo from British Honduras. 2 pp. $0.50

OP 279 Brodkorb, P., 1934. 
A new Pitta from Palawan, Philippine Islands. 3 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 280 Wood, N.A. and A.D. Tinker, 1934. 
Fifty years of bird migration in the Ann Arbor region of Michigan, 1880-1930. 56 pp., 1 map. $4.50

OP 293 Brodkorb, P., 1935. 
Geographical variation in Belonopterus chilensis (Molina). 13 pp., 3 tables. $1.10

OP 303 Brodkorb, P., 1935. 
The name of the western race of red-headed woodpecker. 3 pp. $0.50

OP 306 Brodkorb, P., 1935. 
A new flycatcher from Texas. 3 pp. $0.50

OP 314 Brodkorb, P., 1935. 
Two new subspecies of the red-shafted flicker. 3 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 316 Brodkorb, P., 1935. 
A new ovenbird from Paraguay. 2 pp. $0.50

OP 321 Sutton, G.M. and J. Van Tyne, 1935. 
A new red-tailed hawk from Texas. 6 pp. $0.60

OP 331 Brodkorb, P., 1936. 
A new genus for Empidonax atriceps Salvin. 2 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 332 Brodkorb, P., 1936. 
Geographical variation in the Piñon Jay. 3 pp. $0.50

OP 333 Brodkorb, P., 1936. 
A new subspecies of bittern from western North America. 4 pp. $0.50

OP 334 Van Tyne, J. and W. Koelz, 1936. 
Seven new birds from the Punjab. 6 pp. $0.60

OP 336 Sutton, G.M., 1936. 
The postjuvenal molt of the Grasshopper Sparrow. 9 pp., 1 color plate. $0.90

OP 345 Brodkorb, P., 1937. 
New or noteworthy birds from the Paraguayan Chaco. 2 pp. $0.50

OP 349 Brodkorb, P., 1937. 
Some birds of the Amazonian islands of Caviana and Marajó. 7 pp. $0.70

OP 355 Sutton, G.M., 1937. 
The juvenal plumage and postjuvenal molt of the Chipping Sparrow. 5 pp. $0.60

OP 367 Brodkorb, P., 1938. 
Five new birds from the Paraguayan Chaco. 5 pp. $0.60

OP 369 Brodkorb, P., 1938. 
New birds from the District of Soconusco, Chiapas. 5 pp. $0.70

OP 379 Van Tyne, J., 1938. 
Check list of the birds of Michigan. 44 pp., 1 map. $3.50

OP 382 Brodkorb, P., 1938. 
A new species of crested tinamou from Paraguay. 4 pp. $0.50

OP 385 Van Tyne, J., 1938. 
The Yucatan form of West Indian cliff swallow (Petrochelidon fulva). 3 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 394 Brodkorb, P., 1938. 
Further additions to the avifauna of Paraguay. 5 pp. $0.60

OP 401 Brodkorb, P., 1939. 
New subspecies of birds from the District of Soconusco, Chiapas. 7 pp. $0.70

OP 425 Brodkorb, P., 1940. 
A new hawk from southern Mexico. 4 pp. $0.50

OP 439 Van Tyne, J. and M.B. Trautman, 1941. 
New birds from Yucatán. 11 pp., 1 table. $1.00

OP 445 Sutton, G.M., 1941. 
The juvenal plumage and postjuvenal molt of the Vesper Sparrow. 11 pp., 1 color plate. $1.00

OP 446 Sutton, G.M., 1941. 
The plumages and molts of the young Eastern Whippoorwill. 7 pp., 1 color plate. $0.70

OP 449 van Rossem, A.J., 1941. 
A race of the Blue-hooded Euphonia from Sonora. 4 pp. $0.50

OP 450 Brodkorb, P., 1941. 
The pygmy owl of the District of Soconusco, Chiapas. 4 pp. $0.50

OP 453 Brodkorb, P., 1941. 
A race of woodhewer from the Alta Parana. 3 pp. $0.50

OP 459 Brodkorb, P., 1942. 
A revisionary study of the wren Thryothorus pleurostictus. 21 pp., 1 map, 2 tables. $1.70

OP 467 Brodkorb, P., 1942. 
A new race of bob-white from interior Chiapas. 4 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 474 Sutton, G.M., 1943. 
Notes on the behavior of certain captive young fringillids. 14 pp. $1.10

OP 478 Brodkorb, P., 1943. 
Two new flycatchers of the genus Elaenia. 4 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 480 Brodkorb, P., 1943. 
The rufous-browed wrens of Chiapas, Mexico. 3 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 491 Van Tyne, J., 1944. 
The nest of the antbird Gymnopithys bicolor bicolor. 7 pp., 1 plate. $0.70

OP 496 Van Tyne, J. and M.B. Trautman, 1946. 
The red-winged blackbird of Yucatan. 3 pp., 1 table. $0.50

OP 505 Sutton. G.M. and W.H. Phelps, 1948. 
Richmond's swift in Venezuela. 6 pp. $0.60

OP 511 Sutton, G.M., 1948. 
The juvenal plumage of the Eastern Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus gilvus). 7 pp., 1 color plate. $0.70

OP 525 Van Tyne, J., 1950. 
Bird notes from Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. 16 pp., 4 plates. $1.30

OP 532 Storer, R.W., 1951. 
Variation in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris), with special reference to wintering populations. 12 pp., 2 tables. $1.00

OP 538 Van Tyne, J. and H. Mayfield, 1952. 
Bird records from New Providence and Eleuthera Islands, Bahamas. 4 pp. $0.50

OP 608 Zimmerman, D.A. and J. Van Tyne, 1959. 
A distributional check-list of the birds of Michigan. 63 pp., 1 map. $5.00

OP 609 Storer, R.W. and D.A. Zimmerman, 1959. 
Variation in the Blue Grosbeak (Guiraca caerulea) with special reference to the Mexican populations. 13 pp., 3 tables. $1.10

OP 615 Van Tyne, J. and W.H. Drury, Jr., 1959. 
The birds of southern Bylot Island, 1954. 43 pp., 3 plates, 2 figures, 1 table. $3.40

OP 621 Storer, R.W., 1961. 
Two collections of birds from Campeche, Mexico. 20 pp. $1.60

OP 648 Storer, R.W. and F.B. Gill, 1966. 
A revision of the mascarene white-eye, Zosterops borbonica (Aves). 7 pp., 1 figure, 1 table. $0.70

OP 651 Ligon, J.D., 1967. 
Relationships of the cathartid vultures. 26 pp., 6 figures, 7 tables. $2.10

OP 652 Storer, R.W. and W.W. Dalquest, 1967. 
Birds from the Save River area of Mozambique. 14 pp. $1.10

OP 655 Feduccia, J.A. and R.L. Wilson, 1967. 
Avian fossils from the Lower Pliocene of Kansas. 6 pp., 2 figures, 1 table. $0.60

OP 714 Payne, R.B., 1987. 
Populations and type specimens of a nomadic bird: comments on the North American crossbills Loxia pusilla Gloger 1834 and Crucirostra minor Brehm 1845. 37 pp., 3 figures, 6 tables. $3.20

OP 719 Storer, R.W., 1989. 
Notes on Paraguayan birds. 21 pp. $2.00

OP 723 Prum, R.O., 1990. 
A test of the monophyly of the manakins (Pipridae) and of the cotingas (Cotingidae) based on morphology. 44 pp., 6 figures, 2 tables.

OP 742 Lindsay, A.R., S.C.G. Haas, 2013. 
DNA from feces and museum specimens confirms a first state record bird. 10pp.